Thank you for providing BugWig Studios the opportunity to immortalize your organization with our unique process.The following are items we would like the organization /coaches to assist us with.It simplifies processes and minimizes confusion and wasted time when it comes to YOUR organizations picture day!
Prior to photo day, BugWig Studios would like to obtain a team roster, complete with parent contact info (email is best).This information is used to notify athlete families when the pictures are available for online ordering and a time savings not to mention accuracy if provided in advance.Accurate information takes the organization and/or coaches out ofany further assistance (other than team composite approval) BugWig Studios takes it from there! No more distributing photos after the season ends!
BugWig Studios requires all team members (yes, this includes the coaching staff and managers) to participate in photo day, regardless of the intent to purchase products.This requirement is needed to fulfill BugWig Studios commitment for Sponsorship thank you photos and/or banners.We will schedule make up sessions for the athletes missing the primary photo day to be assured no individual will be excluded from the team pictures!
BugWig Studios needs to allow for 5 minutes per athlete for the actual time in front of the camera.While this seems extreme, with the various poses that are taken it is a good rule to calculate the total time requirement to photograph the team.The 5 minutes is not so extreme when considering the team session is not required as we use composite technology for the team photo, thus returning the team to team activities once individual session is complete.
BugWig Studios utilizes an online ordering process.On picture day, there will be staff that can give details about this process and/or or to help clients set up the account needed to place orders.We do have the ability to “pre-pay” at this time as well but is not required.Staff can also demonstrate the web application, but as the current pictures are not present, placing image orders will not be possible at picture night.